Tuesday, May 8, 2007

Access 2006 :: Roy Tennant - Getting the Goods: Libraries & The Last Mile

Talk given at the Access 2006 conference on October 13, 2006.

Keynote Talk - MP3 (46:46)

Roy Tennant is User Services Architect for the California Digital Library. He is the owner of the Web4Lib and XML4Lib electronic discussions, and the creator and editor of Current Cites, a current awareness newsletter published every month since 1990. His books include Managing the Digital Library (2004), XML in Libraries (2002), Practical HTML: A Self-Paced Tutorial (1996), and Crossing the Internet Threshold: An Instructional Handbook (1993). Roy has written a monthly column on digital libraries for Library Journal since 1997 and has written numerous articles in other professional journals. In 2003, he received the American Library Association’s LITA/Library Hi Tech Award for Excellence in Communication for Continuing Education.